Convert 1 Calorie (IT) per Gram to Btu (th) per pound

1.8012050408346594 Btu (th)/lb
1 cal (IT)/g (Calorie (IT) per Gram) is equal to 1.8012050408346594 Btu (th)/lb (Btu (th) per pound). To convert from Calorie (IT) per Gram to Btu (th) per pound, multiply by 1.8012050408346594 or divide by 0.5551838781977928.

About 1 cal (IT)/g

One Calorie (IT) per Gram

About 1.8012050408346594 Btu (th)/lb

One Point Eight Zero One Two Zero Five Zero Four Zero Eight Three Four Six Five Nine Four Btu (th) per pound